As a Chris21 user you may not realise how much control you have when it comes to the leave balances display in HR21. In this article I want to show you how you can customise Chris21 so that specific leave types are displayed in HR21.

HR21 is a highly configurable system since the upgrade to what is commonly referred to as ‘Version 3’. This means that you can do most of the customisations yourself by updating the data dictionary settings in your Chris21 system. For some background information see my blog HR21 Implementation – Some Useful Information.

If you are considering making major changes to your HR21 setup you will need someone in your organisation with a sound knowledge of the Chris21 data dictionary and who knows how to customise the system. Since not many organisations have this level of expertise on hand it may be necessary to seek outside help for this. I’ve helped many clients with this type of work. Feel free to contact me if you need some further advice.

How do you configure the leave balances display in HR21?

For the purposes of this topic you will be happy to know that this is a very straightforward task. You will need access to the Payment Rules (LTR) form in Chris21. The Payment Rules form is part of the leave rules collection of forms and is used when initially setting up the leave rules applicable to your organisation. A typical Payment Rules configuration for Sick Leave is shown below:

leave balances display in HR21

The field to look for here is Hide from Interface. This is the field that determines your leave balances display in HR21. If this field is unchecked then the leave type will be displayed in HR21, if it’s checked then the leave type will not be displayed.

Note: this doesn’t affect the way leave balances display in Chris21, it is only HR21.

In the screenshot shown above, the leave balances display in HR21 will include Sick Leave for all employees in the Standard (STD) leave group. Bear in mind that you will need to review all of your leave groups and make sure the Hide from Interface flag is set appropriately for each leave type in each leave group.