by Tony Danher | Feb 27, 2024 | Chris21 Upgrade
You will receive notification from the software vendor about your next general release Chris21 upgrade. This notification usually happens about half way through the financial year. Chris21 upgrade help comes in the form of release notes and upgrade manuals from...
by Tony Danher | May 2, 2017 | Chris21 Upgrade
Now is the time to complete your Chris21 version 8-10 upgrade. As you will be aware, each year you are required to upgrade your version of Chris21 and other modules, in particular HR21. This time around, the Chris21 version 8-10 upgrade is due. These annual upgrades...
by Tony Danher | Feb 20, 2017 | Chris21 Upgrade, Topical
Information to help with your next Chris21 payroll upgrade The Chris21 payroll upgrade seems to have gone well and after logging in everything looks ok. Testing is underway when you receive an email from the Payroll department. Something doesn’t look right… Having...
by Tony Danher | Jan 31, 2014 | Chris21 Upgrade
By now you would have received your Chris21 version 8 upgrade disk. Like all upgrades, this is one that you should have in place prior to the end of the financial year. There are usually legislation changes that need to be in place and also you will want to have the...
by Tony Danher | Apr 4, 2013 | Chris21 Upgrade, Topical
The Chris21 upgrade to version 7.08 should be performed before the end of financial year 2013. Ideally you will already have the software and are planning the upgrade to fit in with your resourcing. It’s always best to try to get the Chris21 upgrade under way as...