Chris21 Support When You Need It.

There’s a better way to get help. Access to an independent Chris21 consultant with a proven track record.

Are you struggling with…

chris21 user with head resting in hands looking stressed

Payroll staff stressed by workarounds forced by an inefficient system?

hand under a gear cog depicting support for chris21 user

Feeling like you can’t get the urgent support you need?

a checklis with a tick showing chris21 is compliant

Confidence that Chris21 is configured for legislative compliance?

spinning cog depiction Chris21 implementation

Finding expert help to guide you to implement system modules?

putting together jigsaw puzzle to depict solving problems in Chris21

A lack of expertise to solve technical or business issues?

multiple points coming into a single cog depicting Chris21 integration

Frustrated by integrations with Chris21 not working as planned?

Let Chris21 do the work

Expert Advice

My expertise comes from two decades working with clients from a variety of industries.

Why Me?

The consistency of a single consultant. I’ll be with you from start to finish.

A Fresh Perspective

I can suggest better ways of doing things and recommend best practice methods.

“I’ll fix your Chris21 problems so your staff can concentrate on what they do best”

Why Me?

An Individual Approach

I bring expertise in specific areas. Using my wealth of knowledge and experience I  can help solve your Chris21 issues.

Flexible And Adaptable

I understand the need to be flexible in my approach to work and to be adaptable to the clients changing needs.

Tony Danher

Founder and Director

“From working with many Payroll and HR professionals, I know the challenges that many organisations face when they need support with Chris21. My key point of difference is my availability to work with clients from start to finish on any size project.”

How Can I Help You?

This starts with ensuring I have a thorough understand of your goals and objectives. With this information, I will make recommendations and agree an approach with you. In some cases, this will involve process improvements or implementing solutions. Often it will be a combination of the two.


Experience comes from working on difficult problems with a range of clients.

My clients have different requirements and therefore different problems. No two jobs are the same and require unique solutions.

With My Clients

“Working as a Chris21 consultant across multiple industries has provided invaluable experience and learning. 

I have gained a wealth of insights into diverse business landscapes, fostering adaptability, and a rich network of expertise.”

Tony Danher

Chris21 consultant