When you need to enter data in Chris21 and you are looking for shortcuts to make your life easier, try this tip. Use Save As to use the data from one form to create another.

For example, you may need to add new Position Table (PDT) records. As you might know, there can be quite a few fields that need to be updated to create each record. Therefore, this can be a time consuming process, especially if you have a large number of records to add.

Use Save As to enter data in Chris21

To use the Save As functionality in Chris21 you first need to open an existing PDT record:

Enter data in Chris21

To create the same record as shown above with a different Position Number, or a similar record using this one as a template, use Save As. From the record that you want to use as a template, click File -> Save As from the main menu.

Enter data in Chris21

When you click Save As your PDT record will look like this:

Enter data in Chris21

Now you can change your Position Number to create the new position record:

Enter data in Chris21

If all the other details of this new position are the same as the original record, then you just need to click Save from the main menu to create the new record. You can also update any field on the form at this time, if required.

I would like to point out that this method is useful up to a point. If you have a very large number of records to create then it would be quicker and more efficient to use GTR functionality. For more information about this see my blog Increase Your Productivity Using GTR Processing.

That’s all you need to do. You can now enter data in Chris21 using the Save As functionality to save you time and effort!