To help you navigate Chris21 more efficiently, have a look at the following tips.

Tip 1: Exclude terminated employees from the default list

The default list you see when you login to Chris21 and navigate to any employee based list, shows all employees, both active and terminated. Sometimes you may want to filter out the terminated employees from this list. This has two main benefits, one is to reduce the overall size of the list, and the second is to ensure that you only ever select active employees when you choose an employee from the list.

To filter the default list to show only active employees, right click anywhere on the list and click Include Terminated Staff from the pop-up menu. This option is selected by default so clicking it will deselect it.

Filter terminated staff in Chris21

Note: A tick next to the Include Terminated Staff menu item indicates that terminated staff are included in the default list. When the tick is clear, only active employees will be displayed. 

To revert to showing terminated staff, simply right click on the list and click Include Terminated Staff.

Note: When you set this option, it will remain at the same status even after you logout of Chris21. The system remembers your setting until the next time you change it.

Tip 2: Use Save-As to create new records

When you need to enter data in Chris21 and you are looking for shortcuts to make your life easier, try this tip. Use Save As to use the data from one record to form the basis of another record.

For example, you may need to add new Position Table (PDT) records. As you might know, there can be quite a few fields that need to be updated to create each record. Therefore, this can be a time-consuming process, especially if you have many records to add.

To use the Save As functionality in Chris21 to create a new PDT record, you first need to open an existing PDT record that is similar to the record you want to create. Then click File -> Save As from the main menu.

Then all you need to do is change the Position Number to the new Position Number you want to create. At this point you can review the other fields on the form and change any as appropriate.

Then click Save to create your new PDT record.

Tip 3 : Show form identifiers on form tabs

If you have trouble remembering what the 3-character form identifier is for the form you are working with, you can show these on the form tabs. Just select Tools from the top menu in Chris21, then select Options. Then select Interface Options. From the list of options select Show form identifier with form name. From now on, you will see the 3-character form identifier next to the form name. This simple tip makes navigating Chris21 much simpler.

I hope these tips help! If you have any navigation tips and tricks that you use, let me know and I will post them for fellow Chris21 users.