I know that many of the people that subscribe to this blog have also registered with the Chris21 support forum. This forum is a place for Chris21 users to go if they need to look for answers to problems or indeed to ask their own questions. I started the forum first, as part of the System Logic website and the Chris21 blog came later.
The reason I started the forum was because it was glaringly obvious to me that there was nowhere on the web where Chris21 users could find help. It seemed like a good idea to provide a forum, after all, many of us already go to forums to find help on all sorts of topics. So the Chris21 support forum was born.
The forum has been operating for a couple of years now and there is already a lot of content that will be very helpful to Chris21 users. As a new user you may very well find a question from way back that is still relevant and helpful to you now. I’m seeing a regular stream of new users registering for the forum and I think the more that get involved the better. It’s also good to know that all of our forum members are actually users of Chris21 and this means that this is a specialist forum, only for Chris21. It can only mean that the amount of useful content will continue to grow so that the forum can become a fantastic source of information for anyone using Chris21.
My aim is to encourage the use of the Chris21 support forum and thus the sharing of information amongst like-minded users. This way everyone can benefit. Every user will have problems with Chris21 from time to time, but at the same time, plenty of users have answers because of their own particular experience. The sharing of these answers is what I want to encourage along with the asking of questions. You can be sure that if you have a question there will be plenty of people who will also want to know the answer.
To give you an example of how this sharing of information can help, I will share a recent post with you. The post was about an issue with HR21 after a user upgraded to the latest version of Chris21 – v7.8. For those of you who have registered with the forum click here to get the full details.
The problem was that the user received an invalid SPA message when trying to login to HR21 after the upgrade. After searching the forum the user found what looked like a similar issue. A previous poster on the topic had suggested a fix to the problem which worked for our user.
Examples such as this demonstrate just how helpful a resource the Chris21 support forum can be to users. If you want to be part of the Chris21 community and have access to questions and answers about a range of Chris21 topics then please Register. Registration is easy and it’s free. I hope to see you on the Chris21 forum soon!
Hi Tony,
I agree with what you said. I have only been using Chris21 for 6 months now after using a number of other HRIS. I have found both the blog and the forum helpful when trying to replicate what I had done on in other systems in Chris. The most recent is the hint on the DET MASTER field for reporting.
Keep up the good work and don’t worry, I will contribute when I feel I have something useful to share.
Thanks Cheryl. I’m glad to hear it’s been helpful!