Learn About Chris21.

Chris21 and Email Security

Chris21 and Email Security

This post highlights an interesting issue I found relating to Chris21 email security while assisting a client with the latest Chris21 upgrade. In this case, to version 8.13.  This issue doesn't relate to the upgrade itself but rather a Chris21 process and email...

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Single Touch Payroll for Chris21

Single Touch Payroll for Chris21

Single Touch Payroll for Chris21 is coming soon As a Chris21 user, you will be aware that Single Touch Payroll (STP) is on the way. Any employer who has more than 20 employees as at April 1, 2018 must commence STP reporting as from July 1, 2018. Single Touch Payroll...

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Hi, I'm Tony Danher

I use my extensive knowledge of Chris21 to help users. One way I can do this is by writing articles designed to solve your issues and provide tips and tricks.

I want to show you how you can let Chris21 do the work for you so that you can eliminate time spent doing manual workarounds. It’s all in the setup!

I encourage you to ask questions or make suggestions in post comments. Or let me know if there is anything you would like help with and I’ll do my best to help.