Chris21 End of Year Processing

Chris21 End of Year Processing is undertaken after the last pay of each financial year. This is always a busy time, especially for the payroll department. There is usually the added pressure of completing an upgrade before Chris21 end of year processing can take place. System Logic offers an alternative support resource for clients who need help to get their Chris21 end of year processing obligations finalised. We will work with you throughout the process and ensure that the critical steps are followed. There are several things you can do to prepare for end of year:
  • Attend the vendor’s training session. This is particularly useful if you are unfamiliar with the process. Even if you are experienced in running the Chris21 end of year process, the training will highlight anything new or different from previous years.
  • Download end of year report templates from the vendor’s website. These are provided in GTR format so they can be uploaded without having to write each report.
  • Download the tax update for the new financial year. You will update the new tax tables at the end of the financial year, prior to your first pay run for the new financial year.
  • Look out for updates in the form of client bulletins from the vendor. These will highlight legislation changes and issues that may require a business rules engine update.
Please contact us if you need assistance with your Chris21 end of year processing. You can also register for our blog which will be updated with Chris21 end of year and upgrade issues and information.